Moving To A Big Market.

It’s one of the most commonly asked questions among young producers in TV news – ‘how do I know if I’m ready to work in a big market?’   If your co-workers like your stuff and you have been consistently promoted, the answer is pretty simple.  You probably are.

Let’s say you’re a grinder.  You started in a small market, doing ten different things in the newsroom, learning, absorbing, doing. Then you made a jump to a slightly bigger market.  More responsibility, a few extra bucks.  Maybe you even jumped again, to a solid station, in say, Albany, Oklahoma City, or Winston-Salem.  Now you’re making a decent living and you’re doing a good job.  Every ambitious journalist (especially if you went to a hyper-competitive J-school) has that nagging feeling.  Could I cut it in a top ten market?

Confession: it happened to me. I spent the first five years of my career steadily moving up, first producing in Binghamton and then Syracuse.  I had opportunities to go elsewhere after Syracuse, including the midwest and the east coast, but my future wife and my family encouraged me to come back to my hometown of Albany.  At some point, I heard from the gang who had interned for me when I was doing the 11pm at WTVH in Syracuse.  They had become both good friends and fantastic producers, and they had moved on to markets like San Francisco, New York City, and Boston.  I won’t lie, it nagged at me.  “They are doing better than I am. Hell, I helped them get started. If I don’t try, how will I ever know?”  It was time to take the plunge.  My wife, a a reporter herself, wanted to move back to her (Top 10 market) hometown, so we had a target city in mind.  And not long after, I was offered a job in said city producing weekend nights.

I was nervous at the time, but quickly came to realize the experiences I had accumulated to that point had more than prepared me for what lie ahead.  And that’s where my advice to you begins.

Step Back

You may be a big shot where you are now (I was the senior producer in Albany when I left) but you need to be prepared to take a BIG step back.  As someone who hates mornings, I was lucky getting my start on weekend nights.  You might not be so lucky.  Expect to work weekends, mornings, even weekend mornings.  In all cases, the hours will be long, you’ll be expected to pull writer shifts during the week, and it will take a while to build up credibility with your far more experienced co-workers.

Keep An Open Mind

Your writing will get picked apart a lot.  Major market Executive Producers have been exposed to research and training.  They know what works and they will definitely push you to be more active and aggressive with your words.  Don’t take the criticism personally.  Find ways to incorporate the techniques into your style.  Do not be afraid to talk to your anchors about what they want to see!   It will take some time, but trust me, you will find your ‘big market’ voice.

It’s Not That Different

I used to say the only difference between a big market and a medium/small market is a helicopter and more bosses.  This is still true.  Sure, you will find more executive producers or managing editors and even more reporters and photographers.  And yes, most stations have helicopters (although more and more are sharing), but many of the changes made at the lower end of the DMA index are working their way to the top.  Truck operators who shoot, producers who edit VOs and teases, automated control rooms and more are now becoming the norm at top ten stations.  Your experience doing more things will serve you well.  Don’t be afraid of the work.  The pace and pressure may increase, but the basics will stay the same.  Remember, it’s the same dynamic, just on a larger scale.

Breaking News Is Big

In top 10 markets, breakers can turn into epic events. That means blowing out programming, coordinating team coverage and putting in long hours on the air.  It’s the same for weather.  Three to six inches of snow may be something we laugh about in Syracuse, but it can be crippling in a big city where the commutes are brutal under the best of circumstances.  I can’t tell you how many times I have been called in to work overnights for storm coverage, or even slept on the floor of my office because of a blizzard.  I once spent fifteen hours straight in the control room for the funeral of a legendary politician.  You will be expected to make the commitment.  And remember, we have people meters in big markets, so pretty much every day is ratings.  You will need to bring a sense of urgency to the table during every shift.

Mental Toughness

This is probably the most important thing.  We have already talked about added pressure from your bosses.  Your co-workers will be looking for you to lead.  Anchors, reporters, and photographers will be carefully eyeing you to see how confident (and how fast) you can make a decision.  Remember, they have been doing it a lot longer than you, and in most cases, and will be quick to second guess you.  Be confident you are making the right call.  Remember, if you’re not sure, no manager will fault you for seeking a second opinion.

No Jackpot

You may already know this, but you’re not going to get rich producing the news, even in a top ten.  Salaries are not what they were 10 years ago.  Producers are starting around $50,000, if you’re lucky, in many top 10 markets.  If you’re single and you want to live in the city, expect to need a roommate.

That’s really the worst thing I have to say about it.  If you crave the excitement and pressure that comes with major market local newscasts, you will not be disappointed in taking the plunge.  Just stay true to what you have already learned.  Try to soak up as much knowledge as you can from your co-workers, be confident, and you’ll find success at this level – and have fun, too.


This article is written by an Executive Producer at a number 1 station in a top 10 market. While he wants to remain anonymous, you can email [email protected] any questions and we will make sure you get an answer.
